Makita 40v 1/2″ Router takes on Plunge Routers from Milwaukee and HiKoki (Metabo HPT)

The Makita XGT 40v 1/2″ Router takes on the Hikoki and Milwaukee Routers. So is the Makita nicer? RAW Footage Torture Test

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Makita XGT 1/4″ Trim Router Review

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[Music] It's one of those tools so many of you Wanted and it's finally here the Makita Xgt 40 volt plunge router it weighs 3.27 Kgs without a battery it is variable Speed ranging from number one 8,000 Right through to 25,000 RPM let's get That out of the way Has heading behind the handle AWS Depending on whether you buy this as a Beer tool or a kit and what Configuration it comes with it may or May not have the chip in it something to Check whenever you buy a Makita tool Sometimes they have the chip sometimes They don't so check that out but before I tell you all the other specs I'll just Tell you all the sort of things that Come in the box with it so you've got This front guard here this dust Deflector thing which just slots in like That comes with the dust Port it comes With This fence does not come with those Driver bits comes with this rip guide Fence Del which has a micro adjustment On It and it comes with a wrench of course Although that's missing an action and it Comes with a template guide and another Couple of inserts for you call it I'm Not a huge fan of the way they've done This but we'll talk about that later if You are familiar with m routers even the

Trim routers you'll be pretty familiar With this sort of setup it looks pretty Much the same it's all the same sort of Thing and fits with some of the same Accessories such as this in the back Here I haven't checked if it fits with These exact rods or whether it fits with The other rods that come with this one But let's have a we look see it's these Rods so that's good I don't have to Bother changing it so that there goes on This is an optional accessory like a High-end version of one of these it's a Bit wider gives you a few more options And bit better finer you can move more Different things you can slide this Around you can slide this back and forth You can do all sorts of different stuff Compared to the standard one and also it Comes with two different sets of rails So if you have the larger rails I think These ones are 8 mil and these ones are 10 mil so depending on which router You've got it should fit pretty much Every Makita router up until this point I've been using it on the plunge base on The little quarter inch routers which I Should have had up here on the bench I Suppose just to show but I don't and They're at least 3 m away from me so I'm Never going to get around to getting Those we got the standard 3 point system Here where you can set these to any Height you want with a spanner loosen

This push this and then you can have a Quick release of your depth setting There and you've got it in position you Want you can just lock that back up like So and then there is a fine adjustment Here at the top going up in .1 mm Increments and we've got the gauge scale In the back there which is a little bit Hard to see to line up with your red Marker there by loosening this one here You can just tweak the upper limit of The tool body you can get it to go up Slightly there you can see it coming up So you've got a little bit of adjustment There for dialing everything in Perfectly now to the controls so you Hold it like so of course on the right Hand side you have a power button on the Top you need to turn that on before you Can pull the trigger now this button on The side is just a lock it's not a Safety feature so when you have the Trigger in push that in and it will lock Your trigger on push the trigger again And it will release it over by your left Hand you have this lever which I'll show You from the other side in a moment so That is to lock your plunge and release Your plunge as it is at the moment it is Loose unlocked push down flick the lever Down now locked flick it back up and you Can pop back up again from the other Side it looks like this so this is the Lever it's not in the optimum place I I

Feel for me I I need to use it a bit More just to just to be sure but not 100% liking the position of that when Compared to some other routers I don't Know what routers I need to find some Halfin routers that we can um compare This to maybe I'll I'll be able to find Some before the end of this video it has A couple of LED lights which you'll see In a moment when I put a battery on AWS Like I say and I suppose that's about it So let's see what it sounds like let's Bung on a 2.5 amp battery here we'll Bung her on full whack turn it on with Your right hand lights come on they'll Stay on for about 5 Seconds like that so turn it on pull the Trigger [Music] About 2 seconds that seemed for the [Music] Break now if we leave that for 5 seconds It's going to automatically switch Off now the trigger doesn't work without Tapping that top One I know it's annoying to have to tap Buttons all the time turn them on and Off but that one's pretty easy and it Eliminates having to push your thumb in The side like you do with some other Models now with this battery on the 2.5 It looks and feels pretty good with this Battery weightwise you're looking at What just under 4 kgs probably like 39

Now in Makita Japan's promo video for This tool they claim that you'll get 32 M of cut cutting 9 mm particle board but As far as I can see they don't say which Router bit that they use so it looks Like it's about a/ in bit so it's making Half inch Cuts uh I'm going to use this One because it's the smallest half in One that I've got here at the moment It's a Makita bit it's a 3/4 in so it's Going to use a bit more juice but I have Plenty thankfully of 9 mm particle board Not something I normally have but I have A shitload of it at the moment so I'm Going to do the same test that they did Except the bit I don't know about the Bit but we're going to use the same Product to cut through I've got a 2.5 a Battery charging up now so that we've Got one fresh off the charger and at the Same time we'll see how the dust Extraction goes although I don't have High Hopes now they say 32 M that's About 26 and 2/3 passes widthwise if This is 1,200 wide so let's see if it Can do [Music] [Applause] It that's halfway and Um yeah dust extraction As good as most routers in other words Useless hardly any point in there even Well I don't even know if there is any Point let's have a look in the actual

Vac so I took the bag out and everything So you can see how much it collected so That's how much it's Collected that's how much it hasn't Collected so I'm Guessing it's definitely collecting less Than 50% of the Dust [Music] [Music] [Music] Got that done in the Neaton she's um Yeah she's coming down at least it'll Wash the saw us away I guess so I Finished that test about 15 minutes ago And looking at the battery temperature It is very warm so we're looking at Around the 50° Mark at the hottest Points on this Battery and that's on the outside Remember so with a 2.5 aamp battery or a 2 a hour battery they would be very hot Uh if you're doing a lot of passes I Would recommend a bigger battery Although you probably don't want to go Too much bigger on this particular tool Just because an 8 a battery on the top Is going to look like This which is a little bit crazy and Adds well over a kg to the weight of This thing so I mean ideally you want to Use the smallest batteries possible to Keep the weight down and the Maneuverability now how many of these

Cuts did I get well 18 it turns out and The last one was a bit painful but there Was also a few um issues along the way If you have a look at this particular One at one point the um the guide was Not done up tightly at these points I Should have checked that came straight Out of the box I never checked that and If you're wondering why I haven't got This set up right like normally this Should be along here for the fine Adjustment it's cuz I wanted to get this As close to the edge as possible and if I had that along there it would be in Different positions and but so that Worked out to be the exact spot I wanted So I got 18 passes which is about eight Short of what I wanted but like I say I Didn't know what bit they using this bit Looks a lot bigger than what they were Probably using they were probably using A/ in bit and by/ in I mean a/ in Cutting width and a/ in shft so half in/ In bit whereas this is a 3/4 in/ in bit Driving that extra mass and cutting out That extra material will chew through More battery so if you take that into Account probably works out about right With the run time now let me see if I Can find my green and red one again and We'll have a quick comparison with them And then I'm guessing you guys are going To want to see which one's the most Powerful stay tuned now I guess after

What you've just seen the first thing we Should talk about is dust extraction so With the Makita oh first before we get Into that yes I was pushing it the right Direction if you're asking that question Then you don't know much about routers Okay that's the way they go that's the Orientation was completely correct I Should do another video on that eh about How to use a router properly anyway Today we're not going to be talking About that but we're going to talk about The Dust extraction and and as you saw It comes out this way well as you can See right there but when you're doing a Groove dust collection with routers is Just very problematic at the best of Times I mean trying to get I think They're the worst Tools around basically For dust extraction uh just going to Tear that off just cuz it it's annoy me The dust was all shooting out the groove That I was cutting and that is always Going to happen when you cut a Groove With a router at least the groove was Open in the bottom so the dust could get Away often if you're cutting a Groove Which you'll probably see when we do Some tests later on I haven't done them Yet but I'm guessing it's going to Happen when you do a Groove that has a Blind bottom then you will just pack That Groove with dust if it's especially If it's slightly damp it'll just Jam in

There and because it's trying to fire Out this way cuz it's not sucking out Here and there's multiple reasons for That one is it's firing backwards Through that Groove instead of coming Out here but if you're cutting on the Edge of something doing round over it's Going to behave different it's going to Behave different to plunging and blah Blah blah there's so many different Factors different router bits as you can See on this one if we take a look down Here we have a massive ear Gap around Here as well for dust to go in all Directions um sometimes I do this it's This is one that I use on the quarter Inch router it's slightly different it's Very similar but slightly different to This one this one here is actually Missing that Tang there to hold it in Place and something I've noticed if You've got the hose pulling on this you Can easily actually tweak it off like That even when that's done up completely Tight so it's not the greatest thing in The world for dust Collection we quickly look at this one This one will go out either side cuz you Can just take it out like so spin it Around so that can help if the dust is Going a Direction you don't want it to And the Walky same thing goes in like That or can come around this side I Think this one is the best system you

Take this and Slot it in through here Boom tighten that up bof bof it's got The best system for putting in the dust Extraction as for dust extraction I Don't think any of them are any good for Actually doing dust extraction depending On what you're doing like I say but B Basally if you catch 50% you're lucky Taking a look at weights pretty fair to Say that Milwaukee is going to be the Heaviest right because a Milwaukee tools Are usually heavier than everything else Anyway but B this is not a plunge router Like these two are these two are fixed Plunge routers basically so they don't Have a fixed base and a plunge base Option like the Milwaukee so the Milwaukee even though it looks like a Plunge at the moment this pops out and You can attach it to a different base Which I haven't gotten shot at the Moment so you can use it as there's a Fixed base or a plunge Base whereas the other two a plunge only Anyway the weight without a battery or The dust shooting stuff on it is 4.14 Kgs the high kokei comes in at just over 3 kgs significantly lighter and the new Makita 3.33 does have a bit in it though so Around 300 G heavier than the high kokei But around 800 G lighter than the Milwauke physical sizewise you can see That the hii and the Makita are similar

Hii is narrower though looking at that Oh yeah height-wise they're very much The same but the hi significantly Narrower here has it got a smaller motor In it why is it so much narrower but as For height and the base and stuff They're roughly the same whereas the Milwaukee has a completely round base These two have a flat side this one Completely Round and significantly higher heavier Wider look at the width the Milwaukee is An entire handle wider comparing it to The high CO key handle Width pretty much identical looking at How you turn these things on with the Switches the high kokei you can't pull The trigger without pushing down this Safety trigger unlock here then you can Push your trigger and then if you hold The trigger in and then push that down a Little bit further it will lock tap and It will unlock now you can't push it Again the Milwaukee very different Because it's got that separate base it's Just a good oldfashioned slide switch on And off so when you're using the tool You sort of it's quite a long way away From where your hand Is does slide on and off very easily Though no safety or anything you have to Push first it's just on and off and the Makita similar to the highi except that You push the power button then push the

Trigger once you've released the trigger 5 seconds later that will turn off and Then when you push the trigger nothing Will happen push that again and Away you Go once you've got the trigger pushed in You can lock it with a button on the Side like the Hoke button on the top so It's similar to that and just takes a Little bit of getting used to because I'm so used to that one I I kept pulling The trigger and it had to yeah just took A little bit longer to get used to if You're only using one of them then it's Not a problem you'll get used to it and That'll be that when you're swapping Between tools the time it gets confusing Makita goes up to 25,000 RPM as I said And that's five on the dial the hioki Goes up to six on the dial and it's also 25,000 RPM but it starts much higher so It starts at 11,000 the Makita only 8,000 so if you need really slow stuff The makido would be a better option Milwaukee also goes up to six and starts At an even higher rate of 12,000 and Goes up to the same maximum speed of 25,000 RPM so if you like slow routing You're using bits that require slower Speeds Makita is a better option far Bigger range the depth setting on the High Ki is easily adjustable as you saw That just slides down set that to what You want very similar to the Milwaukee As well Milwaukee one doesn't slide

Quite the same You' got the fine Adjustment there unfortunately even Though this is New Zealand it's still in 1116 of an inch whereas the high kokei Oh where's the fine adjustment no fine Adjustment on the high kokei little bit Disappointing And the Makita got the fine adjustment Got this top depth stop that I showed You earlier and a little bit more Convoluted to get it to go up and down Because you've got a thread and it goes Up and down it's not just a drop like The other two so it's sort of good and Bad in that way it can take a little bit Longer to sit but you've got a bit more Accuracy in trying to dial in the exact Depth you want you can adjust the Settings on here as well as the Makita And Milwaukee has six steps that aren't Adjustable but are so close together That it doesn't really matter when it Comes to the depth of plunge I haven't Tested them all to see what they Accurately are but if we trust the Manufacturers on this one then it would Be 50 mm 60 mm and 632 or 2 in nearly 2 And 1/2 in and 2 and 1/2 in when it Comes to doing those plunges they all Have a lever and they're all different So we spin them all around this way so You now see these two have it on the Right which is the left when you've got It around the other way and this one has

It on the left which is the right when You have it round the other way so with The high Cy this one's quite nice you Push it down to lock with your thumb and Then you can flick it up with your Middle finger or forefinger and cuz it's Got this sort of double-edged boomerang Sort of style switch it's easy to flick In lots of different ways while you're Using the tool so down up down up you Know so quite good for loosening and Locking your Plunge The system on this one is very different For starters like I say we're on the Left this time and this one instead of Locking and unlocking it's always locked It automatically locks and when you push It down it's loose Let It Go it locks Again so release push down let go lever And the thing is locked which is very Cool very quick very easy but long term Is that going to be a problem is it you Know it's harder to adjust cuz it's Automatic you can't just tighten it up As tight as you want it's doing it Itself sort of thing can sort of push That but I'm not sure if it is doing That much so that one is easy but I Don't know long term I haven't had these Long enough I don't use them that often To um have anything wear out or anything So the Makita on the same side as well On the left but I find it's just too far Away from your hand when you're using

The tool I can cannot reach it with my Thumb when my hand is in the normal use Position it's l just touching it so I Mean you could maybe get your finger Around there and flick it Down but yeah it's It's tricky to reach When it's in this up position it is Loose when you pull it down you lock it So like that nice and loose and then Boom down to lock but like I say it's Just a little bit you've got to shift Your hand around and rotated a bit to Actually get it down there it's not it's Not ergonomically that good in my Opinion but the plunge itself is Probably the nicest very easy to just Plunge I hate ones that are just too Tight and you end up sort of jerking it Too much where you're trying to push it Down whereas this very easy the high Kokei pretty good too but somewhat Tighter than the Makita and the Milwaukee because you've got to hold This trigger down all the time is a Little bit trickier and it just feels a Bit stiffer not quite as nice as the Other two but a lot of these things are Personal preferences based on what you Like and how big your hands are and all That sort of thing but there's one thing That's not based on personal preference Really and that's power power is power So what I'm going to do we'll start with This bit see as we've got it in there

We'll start with a 3/4 in bit we'll do a Pass with each one through some treated Pine which will no doubt be a bit wet And we maybe start at like half an inch Deep and then go from there and then Depending on how they go we might ramp Up to some larger bits follow me outside Assuming that it stopped raining so it's A new day the sun is shining thankfully And we have three freshly charged Batteries to go on our tools here so I'm Trying to find ones that are similarish In their output and stuff this is the Highest one from high Koke so we're sort Of bound by that so that's a 4 amp 36v Battery this is the new Makita F 4 a Battery 36 volts of course as well and The new 6 a forge battery for the Milwaukee that should keep everyone Happy hey Tony yeah well exactly Tony so let's get Stuck into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Now you will have just noticed the Handle orientation is different on the Milwaukee to the high Koke and the Makita which I personally don't like it It just feels weird I want the handles The other orientation when I'm running Along a piece of wood like that like

This it just felt different to control Anyway and as you can see it doesn't get Rid of the dust as well so even though The thing's still shooting around the Same way it's just jamming up it wasn't Firing out the back the Makita cleaned The track the hiok left a bit of at This end whereas this one was just not Clearing it at all so it was struggling A little bit more pretty good though Still felt like it had a fa bit of power There so after that test the hioki the Makita are both still showing four bars But the Milwaukee is down to three right Another day another test let's get a few Things out of the way and what we're Going to look at Today is it's going to be a bit of a Torture test I think I'm going to see How well they do with this now this is The largest bit that I have I should Weigh this actually it's a fairly Hefty Feeling thing um it is a tongue and Groove style bit and this will be a good Test on how much grunt these things have Got and we'll see if they can all handle It or whether some of them will cut out Let me just find my Scales oh there they are just over to The left out of Shot somebody upstairs using impact Driver keep it down Tony right let's Just quickly weigh this I don't think I've weighed it for Wow 340 G That's

Heavy that is heavy that is the third of The weight I think of this impact driver I'll just take the battery off let's Check more than a third this is only 840 G that's 340 g wow 500 G difference Between that and that so that's a hefty Chunk of Steel for these things to spin Around it's going to suck through the Battery pretty darn quick one would Assume so let's have a crack we'll go Through some what are we going to use We'll just use some treated pine again It's 45 mm High which means this thing Probably can't quite get it all it might Be a little bit lift either side we'll Have to have a look and I have recharged All the batteries so they're fresh ready To go everything full while we're here Actually seeing as we've got the scales Here who wants to see what the Difference is between the weights of the Batteries just a little bit of bonus Content maybe my editor will put some of This on the screen in oun or Pounds or Whatever other people use 943 9 8 2 okay so 40 G lighter for the Makita and the 6 a forge from milwauke 948 so these batteries all pretty much The same weight no difference there on The tools for the weight these two Pretty much identical and the high C Just just a little bit higher [Music] [Music]

[Music] A [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] A [Music] [Music] [Music] Battery is wigging out overloaded Flashing lights there indicate that Battery ain't Happy oh yeah she's pretty toasty take It off put it back on again see if it'll Be enough to clear it I've only got About 400 MM left uh she's not going to Do it Not with a forge Battery what lots of people think is the Best battery So I know somebody at this point will Say should be using the 12 H power do You want to put another massive battery On the top of the sink it's heavy enough As it is it's been 2 or 3 minutes the Battery has recovered so we're on two Bars showing can it finish this short Little bit or is it going to overload Again [Music] [Music] A a so Close come my walkie ah d

Bam we overloading again yes we are Burer let's see if you can see this with The reflection it's a bit tricky I know To see my masked up face anyway we are Looking at in the hottest part about 52° In the warmest spot 50 to 52° on the Outside yeah the top that hit there Briefly was 53 so this might be a good Test actually to show the difference in The heat dissipation between the pouch Cells and the tab cells and the tablet Because we've got one of each in this Particular video which is really going To wind some of you up isn't it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Still showing two bars on the battery Not the greatest fuel gauges to see the Highy ones let's um test the temperature Doesn't feel as hot as the last one so I've left this a couple of minutes just Like I did with the Milwaukee one let's Now see if we can have a look see here Sort of temperatures are we hitting yeah Yeah pretty similar o up to 55 the 50 to 55 bracket hotter than I thought it Might have been compared to the milwauke Doesn't work too well in the summer see If the Makita is any different okay the 2minute battery test and there like I Know this is going to be the coldest but

A million miles okay we're just hitting 40 the warmest cell there basically 35 To 37 most of it 41 Max right I'm going To go back to the bench and talk more About this boy oh boy routers are messy Dusty Bastards of things aren't they so These are the three batteries I just Used in the previous test and this is The Makita four bars the high kokei Showing three bars when I took it off it Originally was showing two but it's Revived a little bit has this one Revived any no the Milwaukee showing one Now I would expect that one would drain The quickest because it's got to do more Work because it's 18 Vol versus 36v for The other two so it's it's got a suck a Lot more power out of this a lot quicker To try and make the motor in the Milwaukee run the same as these guys do These guys can make it a little easier And so it's a bit cooler just a bit Easier to pull off when you're using the 36 volts rather than the 18 Vols so That's your next argument point for the Comment section so looking now at the Tools rather than the battery power the First one that I did in that test all The other tests I did the Makita first And then I sort of tested the um the Other two to see if they were the same Um for this last test with this massive Big tongue and groove bit I started with The Milwaukee and then I went to the

Hioki and then I went to the Makita and There was an obvious step of improvement From one to the other to the other up Until this test uh I wasn't as impressed With the Makita as I am now um yeah it Was nice it's doing the job um but it Didn't feel as different to the other Too as it did in that test with that bit Because the Milwaukee was wild and Clunky and if you look at the base on This thing it's got these screws in it Here for holding in your guides and your Dust port and and there's no spring Or anything on them these other two have Springs here and it stops them from Falling out every time I use this thing I forget to take them out and they Always vibrate out you probably will Have seen it well maybe I don't know if Little sharp or not in the video but Fell out while I was using it like they Always do so I'm going to end up losing Those of course one day thankfully I do Have some spear ones that came with one Of the other adapters for this thing but Yeah that's annoying having to remember To take those out cuz else they just Fall out by themselves uh when it comes To changing bits the I'm going to have To move around the other side here the Milwaukee is nice and easy because you Can take the whole unit out of the base So there's nothing in your way so you Can really have a good old wrench on

This thing Makita one pretty good no Problems there I don't like the high Koke one I never have it always just Feels tight there's like not much room To move your spanner in there the Milwaukee wins that particular feature But anyway getting back to that test um Yeah so I did the Milwaukee you could See the Milwaukee the battery couldn't Hack it overheating it's sucking out That juice too fast like I say just Couldn't really do it kept overloading Kept overheating uh then I changed to The high C started off feeling nice and I said oh yeah but I could tell I Couldn't push it too hard um and then it Started doing what you saw it do so it Was the tool overloading rather than the Battery though on the Milwaukee it was The battery so you could have just taken The battery off chucked another battery On carry long and keep swapping between Batteries as they crap out um whereas This one is a tool overloading so all You need to do is just reset the trigger And Away you go again um but it was Struggling a little bit with that Massive big bit then I changed the Makita and much much nicer now I know Some of you right now are Bing about the Batteries down in the comment section What do you want me to do about it you Know these companies don't make the same Batteries I mean I could have been

Really evil and put the 8 a hour battery On here and it would have smashed these Other two even more yeah I could have Put a 12 amp on there but an eight and a 12 on these ridiculous okay you don't Want a massive giant big thing on there They're already heavy enough so this Tool with this battery turned out to be A very nice combo this has tabulous Cells if you want to know more about That I'll put a couple of videos up here In the top Corner the hioki only has two Battery types they just have a 2.5 a and A 4 aamp and that's it for the 36v tools And they're not tablet to have recently Released new batteries but they were Before the table of cells came out so Pretty sure they don't have table of Cells in them I can't find anything Saying they have tabl of cells in them But if it turns out they do then maybe One day I'll test this again but if you Want even more power with this and Longer run time you can go up to a 5 a Hour battery an 8 a hour battery whereas You're stuck with the four on this so Yeah the Makita felt like it had a lot More power to begin with so I was Pushing it a lot quicker than I could With the high Koke and I thought oh yeah I just just slowly trying to creep it up To see when it would cut out and then Once it did cut out it wanted to cut out More and more once the tool was

Overloaded and wasn't happy then it Started doing it a bit more and I had to Back that speed off a bit towards the End of that cut but definitely this one Handled that job much better than the Other two and much more noticeable on That particular task than on the other Tasks that I've done with these things Also you will have noticed because I Didn't use the fence I used the bit with The bearing on the bottom there to Follow a board underneath that Meant I could run the Milwaukee with the Handles in the same orientation because This one like I said earlier you have to Run sideways if you got that fence on it But without the fence if you've got a Bit with a roller on it you can just run It the way you should be able to do it And push it the way that I did so that Was a a bit test for these I thought I'll do it that way that way I can push All three of them the same so there's Things I like about all three of these Routers and at the beginning like I say I was actually leaning towards the high Kokei being my favorite uh just cuz it's A little bit smaller and it felt you Know feels nice in the hand and Everything the Makita just a little bit Chunkier and didn't feel like it was an Improvement over this they're both nicer To use than this but this still gets Most jobs done no problem but yeah as

I've used it more and more the Makita is Feeling nicer and more powerful it's got The better battery options than the high Ki with these 2 36 volt ones here to Give you the power if you need it I know A lot of you going to say oh you Shouldn't have been doing that on full Whack well it was a power test okay I Wanted to know when they would cut out They had to be on full whack can't test Them on the lowest speeds they will have Different low speeds and everything so The only way you can really compare most Tools is if you do them on their highest Possible setting cuz the lowest settings Are a random setting you know they're Different markers for the lowest one but The top one well that's as good as it Can get then that's what you go for now I could test these things for weeks with All sorts of different materials all Sorts of different router bits and maybe The results would be slightly different And maybe one tool would do better than Another one on a specific task but you Know there's only so much life I have Also with the Makita you can use this if You've got one of these I use this one On the/ quarter in now it can be used of Course on the/ in as well that fits on Fits on pretty much everything I think I Already said that you can also get a Track adapter for this so you can run it On your rails or tracks that you use on

Your tracks and I'll put the number for That if I can find it down in the Description put some links or something And no I haven't put it up against the DeWalt because the DeWalt one has not Been released yet not in this part of The world anyway haven't seen it Anywhere so at the time of recording This video it didn't exist so please Don't tell me I should have put it up Against the DW the plunge on the Makita nicer than The other two definitely the the Smoothest easiest plunge and it's got a Bit extra depth on this one and on this One as well you may have seen in the Video don't know if it was visible or Not you can't get the router bits in as Far the the Milwaukee and the makid can Get them right up in there leave them Out a little bit though of course Because you don't want them hard up Against there but that's another video To describe all that I'm sure I've said That many times before um but this one Yeah it leaves quite a bit of the shaft Sticking out which not the best for Transferring the power and you know more Likely to get potentially bit sort of Wobbly on it but nothing I can do about It that's the way it's made that's the Way it's made the Makita one I don't Like this system Makita it would have Been nice if you had stuck in actual

Collet nuts like this these ones do Every other one that I have bought does But for some reason Makita have gone With this which you shove those in there It's just another thing to go wrong Isn't it it's just you know you could End up having that slipping loose you've Got two tightening surfaces instead of Just the one and it's yeah it's not Ideal but I'm guessing you could just Buy a Makita version of those for any One you want the Milwaukee comes with so Many of them in this part of the world Don't even know how many of them anymore There's five or six of them metric and Imperial so that was good with the Milwaukee one but in the end apart from That if I had to pick one yeah it would Probably be the Makita I didn't think so At first but it grew on me once I Realized yeah I started using a bit more Feeling the power difference feeling That I was having to go slower with the High Koke on things than I could with The Makita so it's pretty similar to the Hi just a bit more grunt a few more Little features the hioki is probably a Little bit better with this which I Spoke about earlier than the Makita Version I do kind of like that the Makita versions on the other side though Rather than having both on the same side With the high Kook so it's kind of 50/50 You know they're all good tools

Basically but yeah if I had to pick one Now for smoothness and just that nice Power you know the nice flow of power Without it being too aggressive and Everything as per usual you know Makita Is good at that stuff this one's good at Power pretty much all the time but you Know never as refined as a Makita or a Highi for that matter when it comes to Power as well you could use this with a Power adapter plug it into the wall but Yeah why did you buy a cordless tool if You got to do that plus those power Adapters are a little bit sketchy at Times and it's got a big brick in the Middle of it they're not the not the Nicest things to use and I've heard a Lot of bad things about them I do have One but I wasn't there was no point in Testing it in this video because the Other two don't have them dust Extraction on all of them sucks too by The way but you already knew that right That's why I didn't bother doing it on Tests like this there's just so much Stuff going everywhere there just dust Extraction hasn't got a anyway thanks For watching there's heaps more Makita 40 Vol stuff coming up soon there's some Of those good things you wanted I mean a Lot of you have been asking about this And there's another couple coming up in The next few months that will um silence A few of you finally maybe hopefully

We'll see cheers guys see You special cheers to these guys [Applause] [Music]

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